How Voicemate works.
VoicemATe is voice-activated home automation software for everyone!
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This means no dependancy on broadband availability, and no recurring internet provider fees.
The cost of care provision for disabled persons can be expensive. Restoring a level of independence to persons who can’t do for themselves what we take for granted is priceless. The result is improved wellbeing and significant cost savings.
IDEAL TECHNOLOGY (Installers and Distributors of Equipment for Assisted Living) are based in Dublin and have developed an Assistive Technology product, VoicemATe, which enables entire home automation with voice control.
VoiceTech allows users to control their home environment using voice commands. Users simply use full grammatical sentences to operate, say a TV, a light, the heating etc.
VoiceTech supports with the following suppliers at present:,, and, and
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Voicemate is Software that runs on a Mini Windows 10 PC.
No voice training needed, understands full sentences. Requires NO switch activation.
Voicetech is available 24/7 without the need for physical intervention. The correct verbal “wake up” command is all that’s required.
Voicemate compliments existing Assistive Technology systems. Difficulty using Switch Access? Add Voice control to your existing system using Voicemate.
The system is designed to be out of sight. Once set up the Voicemate Server can be stored away in a safe location.
No voice training needed. Understands full sentences. Switch activation not required.
Voicetech is available 24/7 without the need for physical intervention. The correct verbal “wake up” command is all that’s required.
No need to rely on broadband availability or connection.
Nothing to block mobility or get in the way