About VoicemATe

Control all your Home Automation devices with Voicemate.

You decide what to control. Create your command and VoicemATe will do as you wish. VoicemATe is designed for the disability market where access to the internet is either poor or non-existent.

The user is able to control their lights, automated windows/doors, TV, music systems and much more using just their voice.


Using the IR Remote (IR Trans link) you can control all your Infrared systems such as TVs, music systems etc.

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How do I choose the right setup?

I have assistive technology already installed

If you have existing Assistive Technology installed, all you need is VoiceMate and the accompanying accessories to control your home using your voice.

Using the IR Remote (IR Trans link) you can control all your Infrared systems such as TVs, music systems etc.

IR Remote can learn your existing Remote control(s) signals and using Voicemate, you can then replicate them.

Get VoiceMate

Assistive technology is not installed

You can open and close your windows and doors remotely by installing Assistive Technology. Voicemate adds the ability to control them using your voice. Voicemate can operate window and door openers, curtain, blinds and lots more.

Call VoiceTech to speak about installing these services at your home or business.


Get assistive technology installed

How to install Voicemate?

Purchase VoiceMate from our store section. Purchase any required IR receivers, Sockets, Light switches etc. To control your IR systems (tvs, music systems, lights etc) you will need one IR Remote per room.

Choose your microphone option based on your desired setup:

  • For a single room you can use a wired microphone and speaker.
  • For multiroom or if you are mobile and need the microphone with you choose the Wireless Microphone.

For control of sockets, doors and blinds, simply choose your preferred manufacturer. Are your windows, doors, blinds etc not automated? No problem! Call us to arrange installation of a suitable automation system.


How does Voicemate work?

Voicemate is supplied with its own “SERVER”, with the software pre-installed. The system automatically starts when you power up the system. The SERVER can connect to any HDMI port on a TV to aid with programming and setup.

When programmed, simply ask Voicemate to carry out your commands.

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VoiceMate consists of a small PC which tucks away in the corner of the room.

Designed for simple operation.

Stand alone server

No voice training needed. Understands full sentences. Switch activation not required.

Available 24/7

Voicetech is available 24/7 without the need for physical intervention. The correct verbal “wake up” command is all that’s required.

No Internet Service required.

No need to rely on broadband availability or connection.


Nothing to block mobility or get in the way

Nationwide Demonstrations

No obligation to buy.

Arrange a Demonstration today.

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How Voicemate works.

How Voicemate works.

VoicemATe is voice-activated home automation software for everyone!

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Learn how to program Voicemate with our step by step video instructions.

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Advance Voice controlled Technology for Home Automation and Assistive Technology system.

Voicemate is Software that runs on a Mini Windows 10 PC.

User independent.

No voice training needed, understands full sentences. Requires NO switch activation.

Available 24/7

Voicetech is available 24/7 without the need for physical intervention. The correct verbal “wake up” command is all that’s required.


Voicemate compliments existing Assistive Technology systems. Difficulty using Switch Access? Add Voice control to your existing system using Voicemate.


The system is designed to be out of sight. Once set up the Voicemate Server can be stored away in a safe location.

Contact now

 Phone +353 (1) 8775072

 Mobile +353 (0)86 2559508

 Email info@voicetech.com

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